Is your neck starting to wrinkle and sag? It’s often referred to as a “turkey neck,” and a common and unattractive sign of aging. In the past, you might have opted for surgery to restore a youthful appearance, but now, there’s a surgery-free option: Kybella® cosmetic injectable. At Sublime Aesthetic Professionals in Casper, Wyoming, you can get a customized, FDA-approved Kybella treatment to smooth and tighten skin.
How turkey neck happens
As you age, your skin loses elasticity and your muscles lose tone. When this happens in and around your neck, the area sags, lines form, and wrinkles become more defined. Some people call this look a double chin, while others call it turkey neck. Technically, it’s called submental fullness.
What is Kybella?
Kybella is a cosmetic injectable treatment for adults that targets and permanently destroys stubborn fat cells under your chin. The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid — a naturally occurring molecule that aids in the breakdown and digestion of dietary fat.
When your aesthetic specialist at Sublime Aesthetic Professionals injects Kybella into the fat beneath your chin, it gradually destroys undesirable fat cells. Based on your individual aesthetic goals and a customized treatment plan, after just two to six Kybella treatments, you’ll notice a visible reduction in that troublesome turkey neck.
When fat cells under your chin are destroyed, your body can’t use them for fat storage. Consequently, the fat doesn’t regenerate, and you get a slimmer profile that’s long-lasting.
Erase turkey neck in just a few minutes over a few months
A customized Kybella appointment typically takes just 15-20 minutes in the office. Each treatment consists of multiple injections strategically placed under your chin. You’ll attend appointments with the medical aesthetic professionals at Sublime Aesthetic Professionals about a month apart until you complete your series of injections and achieve the results you seek.
Six is the maximum number of Kybella sessions. So, in six months or less, you’ll have the results you desire. Results appear gradually, so you don’t look like you’ve had “work done.”
Kybella injections don’t pose the medical risks that come with liposuction or invasive cosmetic surgery. Directly after your appointment, you may experience slight swelling, bruising, or numbness under your jawline where you received the injections. Symptoms usually subside quickly and without further problems.
Am I a good candidate for Kybella?
Surveys show that 67% of Americans feel embarrassed, self-conscious, or bothered by submental fullness. If you’re one of them, you may be an ideal candidate for Kybella cosmetic injectables.
If you’re interested in Kybella and live or work in the Casper area, call Sublime Aesthetic Professionals at 307-203-4058 for a consultation, or use the online booking feature on this website.