Do you have stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t quit no matter how much effort you put into your diet and exercise? Unfortunately, some of our bodies keep extra deposits of fat that don’t go away no matter what, making us dread the revealing clothes of summer just around the corner.

At Sublime Aesthetic Professionals in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, Angie Bjorgaard, RN, BSN, and our compassionate care team understand the frustrations of achieving your dream body. To provide a solution for the stubborn fat in your trouble zones, we offer CoolSculpting®, a nonsurgical body contouring treatment.

With CoolSculpting, you can kiss your stubborn fat goodbye. Keep reading to learn more about this nonsurgical treatment and how you can get the shape you’ve always wanted by summer.

Body contouring

Before getting into the specifics of CoolSculpting, it’s good to understand that this treatment is a type of body contouring. Body contouring targets pockets of fat between your muscle and the surface of your skin. Many treatments are often nonsurgical, such as CoolSculpting.

Though your provider sculpts your figure and smooths away unwanted lumps and bumps, body contouring isn’t a weight loss solution. Most people are candidates, but it is not for everyone.

Your provider reviews your history and current health to determine if body sculpting like CoolSculpting is for you, but generally, good candidates have the following qualities:

  • At or near your ideal weight (BMI under 30)
  • Have realistic expectations and goals for treatment
  • Willing to commit to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body weight

Now that you know a little more about body sculpting in general, let’s get into CoolSculpting!

All about CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical, FDA-approved body contouring treatment that helps you compact excess, stubborn fat. The results from your CoolSculpting treatment are permanent. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and body weight, you can enjoy your results for a lifetime.

How CoolSculpting works

With nonsurgical CoolSculpting, your provider can zap your fat without a scalpel. Here’s how:

This innovative system uses energy to penetrate through the surface of your skin to blast fat, all without damaging delicate tissues surrounding your target area. The freezing temperatures quickly and safely break down fat, and afterward, your body’s processes discard the unwanted fat naturally.

A quick and painless procedure, the only sensations you may experience are slight tugging or pulling. There is no recovery time needed, so after your appointment, you can immediately continue with your normal activities. Studies show an average 20% reduction in fat, with results that will stay!

After meeting with you to understand your medical history, current health, and trouble zones, your provider can treat your stubborn fat with CoolSculpting, often in just one session.

Areas CoolSculpting targets

CoolSculpting can target fat in multiple areas, even sensitive spots like your lower belly. Our clients’ favorite treatment areas include:

  • Chest
  • Love handles or muffin top
  • Abdomen
  • Inner/outer thighs and knees
  • Back and buttocks
  • Armpits and inner arms

If you can treat more than one area at once depends on your unique circumstances. Your provider may recommend multiple treatment sessions for each small, target area rather than all at one time.

When to expect results

It is important to understand you won’t see all the results right away. CoolSculpting takes advantage of your body’s natural clean-up system to dispose of destroyed fat cells, a process that takes several weeks.

The extra collagen and elastin stimulated by the treatment also take time to smooth your skin. Best results show about three to six months after your treatments. However, it isn’t too late to get the shape you’re dreaming of by summer!

If you want to learn more about CoolSculpting and how the treatment can blast your fat by summer, the compassionate team at Sublime Aesthetic Professionals can help. Call our office, or request an appointment online today!

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