Winters here in North Dakota can be harsh — just ask your skin. While the freezing temps and driving snow batter your skin, the hot, dry air indoors isn’t doing it any favors either. Combined, it’s hard for your skin to look its best as you soldier through the long days of winter.
Here at Sublime Aesthetic Professionals, we provide our clients in Grand Forks and Minot, North Dakota, with the very best tools to fight back against the forces that leave skin dull and tired. And one of the best treatments in our arsenal is a chemical peel, which clears away damaged skin to reveal fresh and vibrant skin underneath.
Here’s how you can brighten tired winter skin with a chemical peel.
Facing the enemy
There are many reasons why your skin may not look its best during the long winter months. As we mentioned above, the conflicting forces that come with winter living wreak havoc on your skin, leaving it exhausted in its battle to repair and regenerate itself.
To start, the colder temperatures and elements that come with winter can hit the delicate skin on your face fairly hard. Since your face is one of the most exposed areas of your body, it’s also one of the most abused as it shields you from the cold forces of winter.
While it may stand up to the task admirably, every time you transition from the freezing outdoors to the warmth inside, your skin loses valuable hydration in the heated air. This greatly depletes its resources to renew itself, leaving you with dull skin that lacks that hydrated glow of the warmer months.
Peeling it back
Just as your dental hygienist clears away the plaque build-up and stains to reveal whiter teeth underneath, we do much the same thing with our chemical peels. In fact, this facial treatment is one of the most effective ways to brighten tired skin without resorting to more invasive techniques. This fact alone likely accounts for the popularity of chemical peels in the United States — the procedure was among the top 5 nonsurgical cosmetic treatments in 2017 and saw a jump of almost 16% in that same year.
At our practice, we offer several different types of chemical peels that tackle myriad problems in all skin types. To do this, we rely on peels by VI Aesthetics, which address:
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Age and sun spots
- Hyperpigmentation
- Acne
- Acne scarring
The products in the VI PeelⓇ line come in different formulations that go to varying depths in order to get you the best results possible. When you first come in, one of our professional aestheticians sits down with you to review your skin and discuss your goals, and then comes up with the most appropriate VI Peel for your skin.
Our clients have also garnered great results with our Perfect™ Derma Peels, which contain medical-grade ingredients, including trichloroacetic acid (TCA), kojic acid, retinoic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, vitamin C, and glutathione. These special formulations strip away damaged skin and introduce antioxidants to encourage healthier skin below.
Whether it’s one of our VI Peels or a Perfect Derma Peel, your complexion will even out and brighten up, leaving you looking more energetic and youthful.
The process
We perform our chemical peels in just one visit and there’s no downtime afterward, which means you’re free to get on with your day.
You may experience some redness and your skin may flake away for several days after the procedure — and that’s a good thing. The goal of our peels is to get rid of the dull and battered surface to reveal fresh new skin underneath.
Once your new complexion makes its welcome appearance, we do ask that you protect your results by applying the appropriate moisturizers and sunscreen. We’re happy to help you find just the right products to keep the new glow going.
If you’d like to experience for yourself how our chemical peels can bring some much-needed brightness to your face this winter, please give us a call or use the online scheduling tool on this website to set up an appointment.